NYC Girls Computer Science and Engineering Conference Spring 2021 Program
Sana Odeh, Clinical Professor of Computer Science Department at NYU
Chloe Qian, NYU student and Vice President of NYU Women in Computing
Nellie Spektor, NYU student and President of NYU Women in Computing
Sophia Yoo, Princeton student and member of GWISE
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Log on to Zoom and Meet the Volunteers. Zoom registration details were sent out by email.
"Welcome and Why Computer Science Matters" by Sana Odeh, Clinical Professor of Computer Science Department at NYU and Chair of this conference
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Overview of Computer Science fields by Chloe Qian from NYU WinC
9:15 AM - 9:25 AM
Overview of Engineering fields by Sonia Arumuganainar from Princeton GWISE
9:25 AM – 9:35 AM
Engineering Project Talk by Dr. Susan Leggett from Princeton
9:35 AM – 9:45 AM
Scratch Programming workshop:
Google engineers will teach high school students how to create fun, innovative, and interactive projects using animations, photos, music, and art. Scratch is a fun and easy programming language that was invented by MIT. Projects can be published and shared on the web. Winning teams get prizes!
All the girls should have a working computer/laptop as they will need to use a software called scratch and they should be able to have a working WIFI connection. The programming workshop will be led by excellent engineers from Google. We will have breakout rooms to have a group of 3-5 students lead by one mentor from Google, Princeton and NYU. So all of the girls should have their own laptop with a working WIFI connection. No prior experience in programming is needed.
9:45 AM – 11:30 AM
Q/A Panel about College Admissions, scholarships, careers in CS and engineering, Diversity, challenges and opportunities in these fields, and anything else related to CS and Engineering.
Katherine Chae, Alisha Bhatia, Caroline Jahn, Judy Du, Vivian Slee
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM