NYU Courant's Women in Computing (WinC) was founded in October 2005 and is sponsored by the Computer Science and College of Arts and Sciences Departments at New York University. In the past, the club has worked with companies such as IBM, Google, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, and startups to organize recruiting and internship events, academic panels, technical workshops, company visits, programming contests, and scholarships to support members. WinC's main mission is to support women interested in computing sciences and technology by providing an encouraging environment and inspirational activities and events.

All university students, faculty, staff and alumni who are interested in technology are welcome to join WinC regardless of gender or field of study. Individuals from the surrounding community and those from companies that are interested in sponsoring WinC's activities are also welcome.


Our Mission

To support women interested in computing sciences and technology at NYU by providing an environment to encourage them and activities to inspire them. To foster a community, support system, and safe space for women to feel comfortable exploring the tech industry and computer science related careers.