How to Scale & Start your start up at NYU
5:00 PM17:00

How to Scale & Start your start up at NYU

Women in Computing is hosting an event with guest speaker Frank Rimalovski, the Executive Director of the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute, who will share valuable insights on starting and scaling a startup, providing a unique opportunity for students to learn from someone with extensive experience in business and technology.  Register now for a fun & informational night with Frank Rimalovski!

Date: Wednesday, November 15th

Time: 5PM - 7PM

Location: Room 109, Courant Institute

Speaker: Frank Rimalovski, Executive Director of the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute

Topic: "How to Start and Scale a Startup at NYU"

Refreshments: Free pizza available in the 13th-floor lounge from 6:00 to 7:00 PM

RSVP on Luma:

RSVP on Engage:

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WinC Rebrand Launch Networking Party!
4:30 PM16:30

WinC Rebrand Launch Networking Party!

Come and meet the E-board! WinC would like to invite you to join us for our WinC Rebranding Launch!!! We will celebrate the new look of our Instagram, Website, and Mailing List! It's an opportunity to meet our E-Board Members and Network! This event will be available on a first-come basis and will have 30 slots available. Food and drinks will be provided. NOTE: *Please register using your NYU email!!* 


IMPORTANT: Sign Up on Engage and this link!

Please make sure to sign up on both for RVSP. 

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Tech Industry Night
7:00 PM19:00

Tech Industry Night

One of NYU’s largest tech industry event is happening this Monday at 7PM in the Kimmel Center 914.

We will be welcoming people from the following companies and more: Google, Meta, Amazon, Uber, TikTok, Microsoft, Spotify, etc..

This will be a great opportunity to talk to professionals in roles or companies you are interested in.

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Tech Friendsgiving
6:00 PM18:00

Tech Friendsgiving

Join us this Wednesday for our Friendsgiving event. We are partnering with GWC, SWE, Steminist, SHPE, NSBE, and ASME for an evening full of food, games, music and more!!

RSVP here! Note that you do not have to bring in food to participate.

When: Wednesday, November 16th @ 6PM
Where: Makerspace

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Studio Panel
2:30 PM14:30

Studio Panel

All are welcome!
Join us next Friday when we host a panel with studio, a NYC-based startup!
We have invited the CEO, CTO, and an engineer to talk about startup culture, their lives at NYU, and current internship opportunities available at studio!

When: Friday, November 11th at 2:30PM
Where: Leslie E-Lab

RSVP here!

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Tech Fest
4:00 PM16:00

Tech Fest

Join us this upcoming Monday and meet all of the different tech clubs at
NYU! Some Tech Clubs that will be there will be Tech@NYU, WinC, GWC,
Steminist, BUGS, ACM, Data Science Club, Poly Programming, and more!

When: Monday, 10/3 from 4:15 - 6:15PM
Where: Leslie E-Lab

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Meet the WinC Eboard
2:00 PM14:00

Meet the WinC Eboard

Our current e-board members wanted to hold a space to chat with any prospective e-board applicants or general members curious about learning more about WinC.

Feel free to drop in tomorrow between 2pm-3pm online to chat with current WinC members!

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